Campaign to end loneliness

Tag Archives: covid-19

Connecting in care homes through Covid

This year, loneliness has achieved a new intensity for too many older people. Connection has never been more important – particularly for those in care homes and living with dementia. We explore the toll of people in care homes, isolated from their friends and family.  Living with dementia Back in March 2020, researchers at the…
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The challenges of volunteering during the pandemic

The fourth webinar of our series on Loneliness in the time of Covid-19 focused on volunteers. 50 participants from charities, local government, academia, and health and care came together to share experiences, challenges and ideas. In this blog, we reflect on what we heard.  Volunteers play a crucial role Throughout our discussions on Loneliness in…
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How to support volunteers through the next phase of Covid-19

We reflect on what organisations working to address loneliness have told us about supporting volunteers – a theme we’ll be discussing in our next Loneliness in the time of Covid-19 webinar. Supporting volunteers The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the work of those helping one another in our communities into sharp focus. While high profile campaigns…
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How organisations are adapting to support those who have been shielding

Earlier this week we brought together over 80 organisations to talk about working with people at higher risk of loneliness as lockdown conditions ease. Our conversation focused on those who have been shielding, or who face wider practical, physical or psychological barriers to reconnecting. In this blog, we reflect on the themes that emerged from…
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How can we better support people who are shielding?

Ahead of our next Loneliness in the time of Covid-19 webinar on 18th August, Dan Jones, an associate of the Campaign, reflects on his experiences supporting a man in his community who is shielding, and the issues this raises for addressing loneliness in the next phase of the pandemic. My own experience  I met Steve…
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Will we forget the lessons we’ve learnt from Covid-19?

Kate Jopling reflects on the groups who may need extra support in addressing loneliness as we move into the next phase of the Covid-19 crisis, who we’ll be talking about more in our next ‘Loneliness in the time of Covid-19’ discussions. Lifting of restrictions The (home) school holidays are finally here, and a rapid lifting…
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Loneliness in the time of Covid-19: Five things we learnt from our webinar

Last week we brought together over 150 organisations to share their experiences of working to tackle loneliness during the Coronavirus lockdown. In this blog Kate Jopling shares just some of the things we learnt in the session. Adaptation, adaptation, adaptation Most organisations had been working with people face-to-face up to the point of lockdown, so…
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“For some of our most lonely people, life has always felt like lockdown”

Michelle Dawson, Programme Manager for Ageing Better in Middlesbrough reflects on how her organisation is responding to the new challenges of working on loneliness through lockdown, and what they are learning along the way. The ‘too hard tray’ As the dust begins to settle from the frantic and very impressive response mobilised by our local…
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What will Coronavirus mean for older people?

The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), for many people, will mean a tough, but necessary period of social isolation. Many of us will miss family, friends, and taking part of hobbies, interests and activities. Our Campaign Manager for England, Andy Nazer, spoke to three older men about Coronavirus, and reflects on the impact it will have…
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