Share your story


Have you experienced loneliness in the past and found ways to overcome these feelings and feel more connected to others? We would like to hear from you.

Please note, as a small team with no direct support services, we are only able to accept stories relating to past experiences of loneliness. If you are currently feeling lonely, lots of help and support is available. You are not alone.

How sharing your story helps

Loneliness is a normal human emotion that can affect us at any age or stage in our lives. Sharing your story of how loneliness has affected you in the past, and what helped you to feel more connected to others, can help people currently experiencing similar feelings. 

Stories also help us to raise awareness of how loneliness can affect us all and ensure the issue remains a public and political priority. 

How your story will be used

From time to time, we may contact you to ask if you’d be happy to talk about your experiences through a blog post for our website or in short media interviews. We will never use part of your story without asking you first and we will only share what you feel comfortable with. You can also decide if you want your story to be shared anonymously.  

The information you provide will be stored on our database for a maximum of two years. You can also withdraw your consent and request for your information to be deleted at any before the two year mark by emailing us at To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

How to share your story

Share your experiences by completing the form below, giving us as much information as you feel comfortable with. We ask for your details in order to contact you about sharing your story only. 

This is your opportunity to tell us how loneliness has affected you in the past. Please give us an overview of your experience so we can fully understand what you’ve been through. For example, the situation, the impact and what helped you to feel less lonely.

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