Our people

     Professor Andrea Wigfield, Co-Director

Andrea is a leading researcher on loneliness and social isolation, specialising in the wider health and social determinants and implications through research, programme evaluation, and evidence-based policy and practice.

She has managed around over 100 research projects, many co-produced with organisations and individuals.

She is committed to producing research which can translate into policy and practice change.

     Associate Professor Antonia Ypsilanti, Co-Director

Antonia is a behavioural scientist and leading researcher on loneliness and mental health outcomes.

She is particularly interested in how people with different loneliness experiences perceive, interpret, and interact with their social environment.

She is collaborating closely with community groups at-risk for socio-economic exclusion and with organisations interested in tackling loneliness, and promoting social welfare and mental health. Antonia has rich experience in leading or co-leading research grants funded by the European Commission, Age UK, and the Youth Endowment Fund.

She is also an active member in her community engaging in a lot of charitable and social welfare activities.

Programme Advisory Group

The Programme Advisory Group previously working with the Campaign is being replaced with a programme Advisory Board and a PPIE group (Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement) of people with lived experience of loneliness.

Details of membership will be announced soon.

Any interested parties can please contact Andrea Wigfield (Andrea.Wigfield@shu.ac.uk).