Campaign to end loneliness

Category Archives: Blog

Open Door Warminster: The journey from an idea to reality

Written on September 20, 2023 at 11:00 am, by

Debs Gogarty from Open Door Warminster explains how the organisation was created. How it all started Open Door Warminster was conceived around a kitchen table at the start of the pandemic. Six people who didn’t know each other but were united by a desire to make a difference for anyone feeling isolated or excluded from…
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Our stakeholder research on tackling loneliness interventions and their evaluation

Written on September 6, 2023 at 11:28 am, by

This week saw the publication of stakeholder research, commissioned by the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and carried out by the Campaign to End Loneliness (CEL), Tackling loneliness interventions and their evaluation. The report is based on findings from interviews, a survey and two round table discussions which we used to collect the …
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Alone No More: Combatting loneliness in young people

Written on August 23, 2023 at 10:29 am, by

We spoke with Molly Taylor about the experiences of loneliness among young people and what inspired her to set up Alone No More. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m Molly Taylor, a passionate activist dedicated to combatting youth loneliness both locally and nationally over the past couple of years. My journey into…
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The importance of animals: Tackling loneliness one pet at a time

Written on August 9, 2023 at 9:57 am, by

Dr Marc Abraham OBE, or ‘Marc the Vet’ as he’s usually known, is a multi-award-winning veterinary surgeon, author, broadcaster, and animal welfare campaigner. Based in Brighton, Marc is also the co-founder and secretariat of the All-Party Parliamentary Dog Advisory Welfare Group (APDAWG), appears regularly in the media, and visits local schools to chat with pupils about…
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Samaritans Talk To Us Campaign: Creating a safe space to tackle loneliness

Written on July 26, 2023 at 11:09 am, by

For Samaritans, July represents Talk To Us month, where the leading suicide prevention charity reminds everyone that its 23,000 listening volunteers are available 24/7, providing emotional support to anyone struggling. Here, Lorraine, a listening volunteer at Birmingham Samaritans, shares what she’s learnt about loneliness and her experiences of being there for people who need to…
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How can we combat loneliness and social isolation amongst disabled people?

Written on July 12, 2023 at 9:57 am, by

Elle Thwaites is an AHRC-funded PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Leeds, and has recently been on placement with the Campaign to End Loneliness. In this blog, she explores the risk factors for loneliness among disabled people and what can be done to address it.  Loneliness amongst disabled people Loneliness has received new-found…
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Refreshing our call to action on loneliness: Reflections from our collaborative event

Written on June 27, 2023 at 12:00 pm, by

What lies ahead for the next five years of loneliness?  On Wednesday 21 June, we brought together a community of passionate individuals and key thinkers to discuss how we can address loneliness in the next five years. The event was chaired by Sarah O’ Grady, Social Affairs Correspondent of the Daily Express, with panellists Noreena…
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Military Widows’ experiences of social Isolation and loneliness: Research from Northumbria University

Written on June 13, 2023 at 3:24 pm, by

We hear from from Dr Amy Johnson, Dr Gill McGill and Dr Gemma Wilson-Menzfeld on their research which aimed to explore the levels and experiences of Military Widows’ social isolation and loneliness, as well as to identify what available services exist to help Military Widows.  Lack of existing evidence Feelings of loneliness and isolation can…
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Young people and loneliness: How digital communities foster local connection

Written on May 26, 2023 at 4:00 pm, by

Elle Thwaites is an AHRC-funded PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Leeds, and is currently on placement with the Campaign to End Loneliness. Loneliness in under-30s: the current outlook It’s no secret that in recent years, many aspects of life have been relocated to online spaces. We video call friends and family, meet…
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Mental Health Awareness Week: Training on the psychology of loneliness

Written on May 18, 2023 at 11:53 am, by

Anxiety is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week. For social anxiety in particular, there is a two-way relationship with loneliness: when we are socially anxious we are more likely to become lonely. When we are lonely, we are more likely to become social anxious.  Given the week, it was fitting to spend…
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