Campaign to end loneliness

Category Archives: Blog

Extra care housing: Reducing social isolation and strengthening community life

Written on June 6, 2013 at 9:00 am, by

Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network, talks about findings from a recent Housing LIN report – What role for extra care housing in a socially isolated landscape?  What the report shows Intuitively, just as we accept the law of gravity but cannot really explain it, we know that extra care housing must reduce…
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Can new housing models help tackle loneliness in older age?

Written on May 23, 2013 at 1:44 pm, by

A think-piece published this week by Hanover Housing and Demos asks a long-debated question: are age-specific housing developments a good thing, or do they foster isolation and discrimination? The report explores the question using answers from 34 in-depth interviews with sector experts and people in “mainstream” housing, co-housing, home-sharing and retirement communities. It concludes that…
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Loneliness and isolation in rural areas

Written on September 14, 2012 at 4:45 pm, by

Rural areas have a unique set of circumstances that can exacerbate the social isolation of older residents, leading to poor health, loss of independence and lower quality of life. These factors range from lower per capita expenditure on social care to greater reliance on car ownership, particularly for visiting family or the getting to the…
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