Campaign to end loneliness

Campaign To End Loneliness archive

Monthly Archives: August 2020

How organisations are adapting to support those who have been shielding

Earlier this week we brought together over 80 organisations to talk about working with people at higher risk of loneliness as lockdown conditions ease. Our conversation focused on those who have been shielding, or who face wider practical, physical or psychological barriers to reconnecting. In this blog, we reflect on the themes that emerged from…
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How can we better support people who are shielding?

Ahead of our next Loneliness in the time of Covid-19 webinar on 18th August, Dan Jones, an associate of the Campaign, reflects on his experiences supporting a man in his community who is shielding, and the issues this raises for addressing loneliness in the next phase of the pandemic. My own experience  I met Steve…
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